Gw2 simple boreal canteen. The Canteen opens on Monday. Gw2 simple boreal canteen

 The Canteen opens on MondayGw2 simple boreal canteen  Simple Boreal Canteen: 400: Bag: Reinforced Boreal Trunk: 500: Bag: 28-Slot Marshal's Pannier: 500: Bag: Hardened Boreal Barrel: 500: Bag: Reinforced Olmakhan Bandolier: 500: Bag:Signing up allows access to features like favoriting items

You can help the Guild Wars 2 Wiki by expanding it. Cube Matrix Glider. API. It mainly require the draconic lodestone, a exotic weapon (from the previous collection), as well as a ton of eitrite lingots and ectoplasm. 24 - 27; Search Search forums. The azure and crimson dragonslayer weapons, and volcanic stormcaller ones. 5x Eitrite Ingot. Recipe: Box of Vigorous Splint Armor. Box of Valkyrie Reinforced Scale Armor. Double-click to consume. 1 Insignias; 2 Armor. 1 Superior Rune of Holding. Dulfy and GW2. Hardened Boreal Barrel (Learned from: Recipe: Hardened Boreal Barrel) Exotic: 500 20 Eitrite Ingot. German Wiki; English Wiki; Spanish Wiki; French Wiki; Share. Etherbound Glider. Voice acting . 0s. 10 Slot Wool Bag. German Wiki; English Wiki; Spanish Wiki; French Wiki; Share. Satchel of Hearty Outlaw Armor. Recipe: Box of Carrion Barbaric Armor (Master) Personal Gyrocopter Chair Glider Combo. Playful Ghost Jade Bot Skin. Unused Upgrade Slot. 1. Show 241 more similar items…. Pages in category "Basic bags" The following 85 pages are in this category, out of 85 total. Fractals of the Mists is one of Guild Wars 2’s endgame content where players deal with various mini-dungeons, each with their own. Similar. 20 Slot Oiled Pack. Account Bound. Twitter; Google; Facebook;Well yes either restore them for free or just place the achievement validation way like the dragonsblood ones. Crafting time: 1. Satchel of Carrion Rascal Armor. They just occupy space and does nothing. Flags: Learned From Item. Recipe: Satchel of Hunter's Outlaw Armor (Master) Cosmic Surfer Glider. + + + = Min Max . Equipment Template tabs allow a character to swap to an additional set of equipment. Similar. 275 24 Bolt of Linen; 40 Spool of Linen Thread; 48 Vial of Thick Blood; 6. Tier. 2. From Guild Wars 2 Wiki. 20-Slot Fractal Rare and Exotic Equipment Boxes. Efi. Twitter; Google; Facebook; Reddit; Unlocks. The Dulfy Database works thanks to the official Guild Wars 2 API and is developed by GW2. Twitter; Google; Facebook; Reddit; Unlocks. Binding - Account-bound. 简易北境水壶; 获取方法. Rarity - Basic. . 12 Slot Cotton Bag. Satchel of Giver's Leather Armor. Recipe: Reinforced Boreal Trunk is a recipe sheet used to learn the recipe to craft Reinforced Boreal Trunk . Recipe: Box of Vigorous Splint Armor. Recipe: Box of Rejuvenating Splint Armor; Recipe: Corsair Tuning Crystal; Recipe: Infused Tiger Food; Parrot Mail Carrier; Bubble Glider; Cute Angel Wings GliderRecipe: Simple Boreal Canteen; Magic Carpet Glider; New Kaineng Cape Glider; Shimmering Aurora Glider; Recipe: Satchel of Berserker's Rascal Armor (Master) Electromagnetic-Descender Glider; Gifts Mail DeliveryGuild Wars 2 Spidy Wikis. 10 Eitrite Ingot 10 Eternal Ice Shard 1 Supreme Rune of Holding 2 Simple Boreal Canteen. Leatherworker. A trio of Vigil members arriving from the eastern side. Twitter; Google; Facebook; Reddit; Unlocks. Drop. Simple Boreal Canteen; Simple Olmakhan Bandolier; Soldier's Backpack; Soldier's Bag; Soldier's Duffel; Soldier's Pack; Soldier's Ruck; Soldier's Sack;Umbral Serpent Glider Skin. Satchel of Cleric's Rascal Armor. De Guild Wars 2 Wiki. German Wiki; English Wiki; Spanish Wiki; French Wiki; Share. F. level 80Guild Wars 2 Spidy Wikis. 来源 - 配方:简易北境水壶. Alchemist Glider. Acquisition. Tengu Echo Blade. 需要等级 - 400. 10x Eternal Ice Shard. In Guild Wars 2 salvaging is the most crucial way to avoid a clogged. 3s . Gallery. Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen; Canthan Spiritualist Glider; Moth Wings Glider; Recipe: Satchel of Malign Seeker Armor (Master) Jeweled Scarab Glider; New Kaineng Cape Glider; Personal Gyrocopter Glider; Recipe: Satchel of Knight's Rascal Armor (Master) Feathers of the Zephyr; Wings of Love Glider; Skeletal Wings Glider; Largos Fin GliderRecipe: Simple Boreal Canteen; Recipe: Box of Rampager's Reinforced Scale Armor (Master) Recipe: Tiger Gym; Shattered Bloodstone Glider; Recipe: Magnanimous Sharpening Stone; Moth Wings Glider; Recipe: Satchel of Malign Seeker Armor (Master) Mini Spooky Mounts Pack; Incriminating Evidence; Recipe: Magnanimous Maintenance. Collected 1 Restored Boreal Weapon 1:. Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen. Recipe: Satchel of Resilient Seeker Armor (Master) Playful Ghost Jade Bot Skin. Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen. Canteen: Sept. Recipe: Box of Cleric's Barbaric Armor (Master) Spooky Springer Mount. I don't think you use them anywhere. German Wiki; English Wiki; Spanish Wiki; French Wiki; Share. 40x Eitrite Ingot. Tweeter. 5 Eternal Ice Shard. Once you get all done crafting, you are rewarded with a shiny, new 32 slot bag! It is a little bit of a gold sink, but in the end it's worth it. Restored Boreal. 200. Parrot Mail Carrier. Discipline (s): Armorsmith Leatherworker Tailor. — In-game description. Masterwork. Masterwork. Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen) Masterwork: 400 5 Eitrite Ingot 5 Eternal Ice Shard 1 Superior Rune of Holding. German Wiki; English Wiki; Spanish Wiki; French Wiki; Share. DE Rezept: Einfache Boreal-Feldflasche. Dulfy and GW2. 5 Fire Orchid Blossom. 28-slot bag. Ancient Boreal weapon skins. Build Template Expansion. 20 slots. About Guild Wars 2 Wiki; Disclaimers; Crafting time: 1. 5x Eitrite Ingot. Listed here are the Master or Tier 6 recipes (difficulty 400-499) for the Tailor crafting discipline. From Guild Wars 2 Wiki. 2x Orichalcum Ingot. FR are fan sites that only engage their authors, but not the creators and editors of Guild Wars 2. Cube Matrix Glider. Satchel of Berserker's Rascal Armor. 20x Eitrite Ingot. ES Receta: Libro de cuero sin curtir. Vigil Crusader: Any chance of those. German Wiki; English Wiki; Spanish Wiki; French Wiki; Share. 24 - 27. Whisper in the Dark. 1. Cosmic Surfer Glider. 3s . • +85 Precision. Recipe: Sturdy Boreal Duffel is a recipe sheet used to learn the recipe to craft Sturdy Boreal Duffel . Sandstorm Meld Hand - for the. Recipe: Satchel of Assassin's Rascal Armor (Master) Recipe: Magnanimous Sharpening Stone. Masterwork. The window below on the left shows what a standard merchant in a starting zone provides, the window on the right shows what is available from high level merchants one. From Guild Wars 2 Wiki. Property - Basic 8. Crafting time: 1. 1 50. Venombite Wings Glider. 1 50. Simple Olmakhan Bandolier. One container is listed with other containers of the same size and the other 3 containers are at the end of the list, in alphabetical order, and in the. Unused Upgrade Slot. Categories: Path of Fire content. 3 Supreme Rune of Holding (Boreal bag type) / 5 Supreme Rune of Holding (other bag types) Other materials depending on bag type. Simple Olmakhan Bandolier: 20 Tengu Weapon Collector (Tier 4) 20-Slot Tengu Bag: 20 Master of the Ancestral Forge (Tier 5) Simple Boreal Canteen: 20 Subscribe to Guild Wars 2 and ArenaNet newsletters: Mail Carrier Satchel: 24 Lasting Bonds: Where We Come From: Handwoven Olmakhan Bandolier: 24 Master of the Ancestral Forge (Tier 7) Sturdy. Umbral Serpent Glider Skin; Vermilion Wings Glider; Playful Ghost Jade Bot Skin; Cosmic Surfer Glider; Roundtail Dragon Jade Bot Skin; Recipe: Corsair Sharpening StoneRecipe: Simple Boreal Canteen; Vermilion Wings Glider; Umbral Serpent Glider Skin; Recipe: Magnanimous Maintenance Oil; Show 241 more similar items… Roundtail Dragon Jade Bot Skin; Recipe: Satchel of Malign Seeker Armor (Master) Spooky Skimmer Mount; Spooky Springer Mount; Skeletal Wings Glider; Recipe: Satchel of Precise Embroidered. +171 Ferocity. Recipe: Satchel of Healing Seeker Armor (Master) Show 241 more similar items…. Hawk Wings Glider; Recipe: Satchel of Apothecary's Prowler Armor; Recipe: Satchel of Rejuvenating Acolyte Armor (Master) Cute Demon Wings GliderGuild Wars 2 Spidy Wikis. Ancient Boreal weapon skins. Guild Wars 2 Spidy Wikis. 1s. 3s . Similar. Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen: Masterwork - Consumable. Trading Post. Guild Wars 2 Spidy Wikis. 1 50. 50 13 Bolt of Jute; 40 Spool of Jute Thread; 48 Tiny Venom Sac; 16 Bronze Ingot; Source: Recipe: Box of Malign Chain Armor (Master) Similar. Once you get all done crafting, you are rewarded with a shiny, new 32 slot bag! It is a little bit of a gold sink, but in the end it's worth it. 400. Simple Boreal Canteen: 400: Bag: 28-Slot Courier's Locker: 500: Bag: 28-Slot Orichalcum Locker: 500: Bag: 24-Slot Marshal's Locker: 500: Bag: Sturdy Boreal Duffel: 500: Bag:name: Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen: type: Consumable: level: 0: rarity: Masterwork: vendor_value: 0: game_types: Wvw, Dungeon, Pve: flags: AccountBound, NoSalvage. Simple Boreal Canteen. 12 Slot Bag. 92211. Unlock all Illuminated Boreal Weapon skins in your wardrobe. Cute Demon Wings Glider; Roundtail Dragon Jade Bot Skin; Jeweled Scarab Glider; Bag Slot Expansion; Equipment Template Expansion; Recipe: Box of Apothecary's Barbaric ArmorGuild Wars 2 Spidy Wikis. ReplyCantine boréale simple. 450. . Source: Recipe: Hardened Boreal Barrel. Broken Flute. 3s . Twitter; Google; Facebook; Reddit; Unlocks. Unused Upgrade Slot. Unlock. Eitrite Ingot. 需要等级 - 400. German Wiki; English Wiki; Spanish Wiki; French Wiki; Share. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Efi. 3s . German Wiki; English Wiki; Spanish Wiki; French Wiki; Share. Illuminated Boreal. Hawk Wings Glider; Recipe: Satchel of Apothecary's Prowler Armor; Recipe: Satchel of Rejuvenating Acolyte Armor (Master) Cute Demon Wings GliderRecipe: Simple Boreal Canteen; Macaw Wings Glider; Recipe: Box of Valkyrie Reinforced Scale Armor (Master) Magic Carpet Glider; Recipe: Tiger Gym; Recipe: Box of Carrion Barbaric Armor (Master) Recipe: Tiger Food; Giant Shuriken Glider; Super Adventure Glider; Recipe: Satchel of Strong Outlaw Armor (Master) Wandering Cloud Glider; Legion. Front Page News Canteen: Sept. Dulfy and GW2. 92346. 450. Box of Rampager's Reinforced Scale Armor. Fractals of the Mists is one of Guild Wars 2’s endgame content where players deal with various mini-dungeons, each with. 0–9. png 64 × 64; 9 KB. 125 12 Bolt of Wool; 40 Spool of Wool Thread; 48 Small Claw; 18 Cured Thin Leather Square; Source: Recipe: Satchel of Hunter's Outlaw Armor (Master)Similar. ; Polsson,. 275 13 Bolt of Linen; 40 Spool of Linen Thread; 48 Full Venom Sac; 16 Darksteel Ingot; Source: Recipe: Box of Rampager's Reinforced Scale Armor (Master)Guild Wars 2 Spidy Wikis. 1 24-slot bag of the desired type. Superior Rune of Holding. Simple Olmakhan Bandolier: Masterwork: 400 1 Superior Rune of. 3 Supreme Rune of Holding (Boreal bag type) / 5 Supreme Rune of Holding (other bag types) Other materials depending on bag type. 2x Orichalcum Ore. Exotic container that costs 50 Globs of Ectoplasm and 4. 275 12 Bolt of Linen; 40 Spool of Linen Thread; 48 Sharp Claw; 18 Cured Rugged Leather Square; Source: Recipe: Satchel of Assassin's Rascal Armor (Master)Guild Wars 2 Spidy Wikis. 3s . 2x Simple Boreal Canteen. *Guild Wars 2 Spidy Wikis. 9. Twitter. Double-click to open a bonus prize. 3s . 在黑暗低语专精找到先祖熔炉大师,只需要完成到等级2,即可在奖励的先祖礼赠中得到简易北境水壶的配方。According to the Guild Wars 2 wiki, The Uncanny Jar is available as an achievement reward. Twitter; Google; Facebook; Reddit; Unlocks. The tl;dr is that i grew pretty invested in gw2. 1 – Salvage kit types and uses. Black Feather Wings Glider; Bank Tab Expansion; Recipe: Ogre Sharpening Stone; Canthan Phoenix Wings Glider; Build Storage Expansion; Recipe: Hunter's KitGuild Wars 2 Spidy Wikis. The Dulfy Database works thanks to the official Guild Wars 2 API and is developed by GW2. Items Bag. The Canteen opens on Monday. Illuminated boreal weapons don't even requie a exotic insignia in the first place, neither exotic crafting parts. Account Bound Not sellableGuild Wars 2: End Of Dragons;. According to the Guild Wars 2 wiki, The Uncanny Jar is available as an achievement reward. Title: Master of the Spirits. Categories: The Icebrood Saga content. • +85 Precision. This set is the second of the three tiers of weapon skins, which are acquired consecutively once the equivalent weapon skin of the lower tier has been unlocked: Ancient Boreal. Reason: Edit with info when available. FR Recette : livre en cuir grossier. Settings; Logout; Deutsch; English; Español; Français; Русский; 简体中文2x Simple Boreal Canteen. Ghost kodan (2): That's not possible. About Guild Wars 2 Wiki; Disclaimers;I would have fine having the Illuminated weapons require the Restored one for crafting if it was released at the same time and it was clear that that was the case. Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen; Glide-r-Tron; Giant Shuriken Glider; Recipe: Satchel of Precise Embroidered Armor (Master) Recipe: Satchel of Rejuvenating Acolyte Armor (Master) Recipe: Satchel of Hunter's Acolyte Armor (Master) Bag Slot Expansion; Griffon Hatchling Glider; Build Storage Expansion; Abaddon's Glider; Wild Magic Glider; Recipe. “. Cute Angel Wings Glider. 28-slot bag. Recipe: Satchel of Berserker's Feathered Armor (Master) Personal Gyrocopter Glider. 10 Cured Hardened Leather Square. Recipe: Box of Cleric's Barbaric Armor (Master) Spooky Springer Mount. Gift of Sprockets. About Guild Wars 2 Wiki; Disclaimers; Mobile view. Hardened Boreal Barrel. Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen; Dragon Fireworks Glider; Recipe: Tiger Scratching Post; Recipe: Tiger Gym; Recipe: Hylek Maintenance Oil; Black Feather Wings Glider; Recipe: Box of Berserker's Barbaric Armor (Master) Flying Boar Glider; Wandering Cloud Chair and Glider Combo; Spooky Skimmer Mount; Jeweled Scarab Glider; Skyscale Squadron. 1 Sturdy Boreal Duffel. Umbral Serpent Glider Skin;Pages in category "Restored Boreal weapons" The following 17 pages are in this category, out of 17 total. Sturdy Boreal Duffel. Box of Vital Chain Armor. 2x Simple Boreal Canteen. Simple Boreal Canteen: 20 Slots. Total Crafting Cost Breakdown. Similar. Such a fail happens when you write a story and its achievements as a whole then broke it in parts without thinking about the delay between two consecutive parts, I guessFrom Guild Wars 2 Wiki < Armorsmith. Twitter; Google; Facebook; Reddit; Unlocks. 产量 - 1. Roundtail Dragon Jade Bot. 1 Restored Boreal Focus. Whisper in the Dark is a Living World release that launched on November 19, 2019. Restored Boreal Axe. Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen; Sheet Music Glider; Cute Angel Wings Glider; Recipe: Box of Vigorous Splint Armor; Roundtail Dragon Jade Bot Skin; Equipment Template Expansion; Build Template Expansion; Aurene Wings Glider; Wild Magic Backpack Glider Combo; Fox Spirit Glider;Guild Wars 2 Spidy Wikis. 275 13 Bolt of Linen; 40 Spool of Linen Thread; 48 Sharp Fang; 16 Darksteel Ingot; Source: Recipe: Box of Valkyrie Reinforced Scale Armor (Master)Similar. Cuddly Cat Glider Skin;Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen; Vermilion Wings Glider; Umbral Serpent Glider Skin; Recipe: Magnanimous Maintenance Oil; Show 241 more similar items… Roundtail Dragon Jade Bot Skin; Recipe: Satchel of Malign Seeker Armor (Master) Spooky Skimmer Mount; Spooky Springer Mount; Skeletal Wings Glider; Recipe: Satchel of Precise Embroidered. The Dulfy Database works thanks to the official Guild Wars 2 API and is developed by GW2. Binding - Account-bound. Restored Boreal Axe. Recipe: Box of Apothecary's Barbaric Armor; Build Storage Expansion; Recipe: Box of Rejuvenating Scale Armor (Master) Recipe: Satchel of Cleric's Rascal Armor (Master)Similar. Infernal Envoy Glider Skin. German Wiki; English Wiki; Spanish Wiki; French Wiki; Share. 1s. Slots - 20. Trailblazer's Pearl Reaver. 10 Glob of Ectoplasm. Slots - 20. Collect all Restored Boreal weapons. Acquisition Gift of the Ancestors (guaranteed) Teaches. 5 – Unidentified gear. Disclaimer. A Restored Boreal weapon, crafted using materials found in Bjora Marches. Show base ingredients. Equipment Template Expansion. Simple Boreal Canteen;. [1] Discipline (s): Armorsmith Leatherworker Tailor. Simple Boreal Canteen (Learned from: Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen) Masterwork: 400 5 Eitrite Ingot 5 Eternal Ice Shard 1 Superior Rune of Holding. 500 10 Eitrite Ingot; 10 Eternal Ice Shard; 1 Supreme Rune of Holding; 2 Simple Boreal Canteen; Source: Recipe: Sturdy Boreal Duffel. Umbral Serpent Glider Skin; Cute Angel Wings Glider; Equipment Template Expansion; Recipe: Satchel of Assassin's Rascal Armor (Master) Recipe: Magnanimous Sharpening StoneRecipe: Simple Boreal Canteen; Recipe: Box of Cleric's Reinforced Scale Armor (Master) Fallen Balthazar Package; Stained Glass Wings Glider; Recipe: Tiger Gym; Recipe: Nutritional Tiger Milk; Flying Boar Glider; Super Adventure Glider; Mini Spooky Mounts Pack; Nightspeaker Wings Glider; New Kaineng Cape Glider; Recipe: Satchel of Knight's. ES Paquete de atuendo y hombros de la élite de la Vanguardia de Ébano. Each character can unlock up to 4 additional Equipment Template tabs. Simple Boreal Canteen: 400: Bag: Eitrite Ingot: 400: Refinement: Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone: 400: Component: Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone: 400: Component: Prismatium Ingot: 400:Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen: Masterwork - Consumable. Guild Wars 2: End Of Dragons; GW2 Update And Introduction; GW2 War Living World Season 4 Finale War Eternal Arrives in May;. [&AgEzaAEA] API. 5x. Reinforced Boreal Trunk. Recipe: Box of Cleric's Barbaric Armor (Master) Phoenix Glider. Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen; Canthan Spiritualist Glider; Recipe: Box of Assassin's Reinforced Scale Armor (Master) Macaw Wings Glider; Recipe: Box of Carrion Barbaric Armor (Master) Recipe: Box of Knight's Barbaric Armor (Master) Moth Wings Glider; Recipe: Satchel of Precise Seeker Armor (Master) Recipe: Satchel of Vital Seeker Armor (Master)Guild Wars 2 Spidy Wikis. Show 241 more similar items…. Canthan Phoenix Wings Glider. Focus • Shield • Torch • Warhorn. 1s. 类型 - Bag. Simple Boreal Canteen (Learned from: Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen) Masterwork: 400 5 Eitrite Ingot 5 Eternal Ice Shard. 4 – Luck >3. Fallen Boreal weapons: Parts of it turn translucent and reddish. Small Ancient Haft. 3s . Simple Boreal Canteen: 400: Bag: Sturdy Boreal Duffel: 500: Bag: 28-Slot Cowrie League Saddlebag: 500: Bag: Reinforced Olmakhan Bandolier: 500: Bag: 20 Slot Invisible Bag: 400: Bag:Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen: Masterwork - Consumable. 5x Eternal Ice. 1 Supreme Rune of Holding. Satchel of Assassin's Rascal Armor. 400. 8 Supreme Runes of Holding. 10x. FR. Item Rarity Discipline(s) Rating Ingredients 8 Slot Equipment Box: Fine: 25 10 Bronze Ingot 3 Tiny Scale. German Wiki; English Wiki; Spanish Wiki; French Wiki; Share. Small Ancient Haft. Twitter; Google; Facebook; Reddit; Unlocks. Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen; Recipe: Purified Kryptis Essence; Beastslayer Glider; Recipe: Box of Berserker's Reinforced Scale Armor (Master) Inquest Overseer Glider; Shattered Bloodstone Glider; Mini Spooky Mounts Pack; Personal Gyrocopter Glider; Branded Wing Glider; Mordrem Glider; Eternal Mandala Glider; Recipe: Amalgamated. Twitter; Google; Facebook; Reddit; Unlocks. Recipe: Satchel of Carrion Prowler Armor (Master) Recipe: Satchel of Cleric's Prowler Armor (Master) Zephyrite Paraglider Glider; Mini Awakened Mounts PackSimilar. 2 Simple Boreal Canteen; Source: Recipe. Box of Strong Scale Armor. 12 Slot Craftsman's Bag. Umbral Serpent Glider Skin; Cute Angel Wings Glider; Equipment Template Expansion; Recipe: Satchel of Assassin's Rascal Armor (Master) Recipe: Magnanimous Sharpening StoneRecipe: Simple Boreal Canteen; Recipe: Box of Cleric's Reinforced Scale Armor (Master) Fallen Balthazar Package; Stained Glass Wings Glider; Recipe: Tiger Gym; Recipe: Nutritional Tiger Milk; Flying Boar Glider; Super Adventure Glider; Mini Spooky Mounts Pack; Nightspeaker Wings Glider; New Kaineng Cape Glider; Recipe: Satchel of Knight's. Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen; Playful Ghost Jade Bot Skin; Nightspeaker Wings Glider; Recipe: Satchel of Assassin's Rascal Armor (Master) Cute Demon Wings Glider;Similar. 10 Slot Trick-or-Treat Bag. Recipe: Satchel of Healing Seeker Armor (Master) Show 241 more similar items…. 3s . Master of the Ancestral Forge. Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen Type Bag Output qty. Source: Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen. A recipe to make a simple leather book. 在黑暗低语专精找到先祖熔炉大师,只需要完成到等级2,即可在奖励的先祖礼赠中得到简易北境水壶的配方。 According to the Guild Wars 2 wiki, The Uncanny Jar is available as an achievement reward. 100 Pile of Bloodstone Dust. Recipe: Restored Boreal Axe is a recipe sheet used to learn the recipe to craft Restored Boreal Axe . They glow red when in combat. Simple Boreal Canteen (guaranteed) Recipe: Hardened Boreal Barrel. Display mode CANTEEN. German Wiki; English Wiki; Spanish Wiki; French Wiki; Share. Wild Magic Backpack Glider Combo. German Wiki; English Wiki; Spanish Wiki; French Wiki; Share. 0 Salvaging and depositing materials (part one) – Guild Wars 2 Inventory Management >3. Enchanted Treasure Chest. Orichalcum Axe Blade. 3s . Gift of Quartz. Focus • Shield • Torch • Warhorn. Recipe: Box of Valkyrie Barbaric Armor (Master)Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen; Beastslayer Glider; Macaw Wings Glider; Magic Carpet Glider; Recipe: Nutritional Tiger Milk; Recipe: Magnanimous Tuning Crystal; Recipe: Satchel of Resilient Seeker Armor (Master) Floral Glider; Recipe: Satchel of Knight's Rascal Armor (Master) Venombite Wings Glider;Similar. Tier 1 is attained by collecting Urgent Vigil Letter, tier 2 is attained by collecting 2 Restored Boreal Weapons, tier 3 is attained by collecting (a total of) 4 Restored Boreal Weapons, and so forth. Guild Wars 2 Spidy Wikis. (Learned from: Recipe: Trailblazer's Pearl Reaver) Reward designers in GW2 are completely out of touch with reality. 10 Eitrite Ingot. 40 Eternal Ice Shards. About Guild Wars 2 Wiki; Disclaimers; Mobile view. Twitter; Google; Facebook; Reddit; Unlocks. Collector's Edition Sandstorm - After completing Legendary Sandstorm Player, Collector's Edition Sandstorm is obtained. But from the moment they arrive, their progress is halted by the vicious Sons of Svanir and mysterious whispers that threaten to unravel them. 1 – Salvage kit types and uses. 3s . There are only sixteen weapons, so the final tier is to collect 16 Restored Boreal Weapons. Signing up allows access to features like favoriting items. Section-stub. Crafting time: 1.